1.What is MATLAB ?
To solve Math & Engineering problems this is been created to using syntax like common science & engineering notation.
--Cleve Moler [Professor] built this for their students
2.Which fields this is been used ?
- Machine Learning
- Robotics
- Image Process
- Biology
- Engineers & Scientists also uses to develop
- Automation
- Medical Devices
- Solar Systems
- etc..
3.Is MATLAB is case sensitive ?
Yes,Variables & Function names are case sensitive.
Note : If observes,So even though generally quotes MATLAB is case sensitive programming language is not completely ,Like below where allows case insensitive
- Property Names
- Scripts and Functions stored in a MATLAB file with a .m extension in Windows
4.strcmp VS strcmpi ?
Both compares the string and "strcmpi" ignores the case while comparing.
5.MATLAB Variables ?
Ex: pi -->Default function
6.Write the expression for below example ?
>> a=3;
>> b=2;
>> c=-6;
>> x1=(-b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
x1 =
>> x2 = (-b-sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
x2 =
7.Functions & Vector Array declaration ?
8.plot(x,y) function example?xlim,ylim functions use?How to increase the number of elements of X & Y axis ?
-->xlim,ylim sets the axis limits
-->As you observe the plot is getting more line elements based on available space,So it will auto selects the points linspace based on the available space. linspace also a function can set custom value
9.linspace function ? Uniformly Spaced Vectors example ?
Ex:Find temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
10.How to add the comments ?
%{Comment Text}%
11.What is logical Vector ?How logical Vector access original Vector ?
Logical Vector is used to access only specific data based on certain conditions.
Script :
Ex:Find temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
10.How to add the comments ?
%{Comment Text}%
11.What is logical Vector ?How logical Vector access original Vector ?
Logical Vector is used to access only specific data based on certain conditions.
Script :
>> data =
>> %{Logical Vector}%
>> ind = data > 0.1;
>> activity =data(ind);
>> %{Get the result from Original Vector with
below condition}%
>> ind = data <=0.1;
>> %{Update the original vector data -
values<=0.1 to 0 }%
>> data(ind) = 0;
12.Element Wise Vector Operations (* / ^) ?
Script :
= [1,2,3,4];
>>v2 = [2,4,6,8];
>>M = v1.*v2;
>>D = v2./v1;
>>S = v1.^v2;
>>A = v1+ v2;
>>Sub = v2- v1;
1.For all the operation Vector Dimensions should be same
2.Should precede by '.' for these vector operations like v1.*v2, v1 ./v2 , v1 .^v2
13.Smooth plotting with more number of elements ?
Script :
= 3x^2 + 2x -6}%
= -2:0.1:2;
= 3*x.^2 + 2*x -6;
13.Vector Transpose ?
Rows to Columns & Columns to Rows
Script :
= [2 -1 8.5 6 19];
= v';
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